Only those who hike the long path—who walk in Yah’s ways—will get the reward at the end of the journey.
Those who choose a destructive path after being warned will make up two thirds of our people, according to prophecy.
The day is coming when Yah will save his people, glorifying them in the sight of all the nations.
Yah is taking us back into the wilderness to purify us for the great work ahead.
There are those within true Israel whose only agenda is to part people from their money.
Yah has declared that he will gather us to our land again, and all the detestable things will be removed.
Hard as it is for some to believe, the Most High truly sits on a throne in a physical temple.
All Israel has transgressed Yah’s law and turned aside, refusing to obey his voice.
Yah will set us apart and steer us on the right path if we yield to his authority over that of man.
Prophecy tells us that the one-world government the nations are planning, is not part of Yah’s plan.
Because of our disobedience, Yah raises up the nations of the world to judge his people, Israel.
Those who will form the Kingdom as the remnant of Yah will bear witness to wonderful things.
Yah desires an inward work, which involves rending the heart and laying it bare before him.
Yah pronounced a devastating judgment on Israel, which we are suffering to this day, But there is a way out of it.
Yah will again cause his powerful presence to be felt in this world for the sake of his faithful ones.
Don’t allow yourself to be concerned with matters that are beyond your comprehension.
If Yah is not at the very heart of your endeavors, you are laboring in vain.
If one inherits the priesthood, one also inherits Yah. But the implication of this is far greater that you can imagine.
Eating Yah’s words, which are righteous and life-giving, will cause us to become what we eat.
For too long we have followed the ways of the nations, which has incurred Yah’s wrath.
The true people of Israel are being distracted from seeking Yah as a strong, united collective.
Even the simple will be able to understand the Word of Yah if they are faithful and obedient.
Turning our backs against Yah and piling on sins causes him to hide his face from us.
It will take Yah’s mighty hand and his outpoured wrath to free us from our lands of captivity.
The law of Yah is ancient and timeless, and it is to be kept as long as exists.
The lives of those who reject Yah’s laws will be full of turmoil, and trouble will always seem to follow them.
Yah longs for the death of no one, not even the wicked. What he does long for is true repentance.
Under our control, the heart is selfish and lawless. The eyes too must come under Yah’s control.
Many people prefer the words of false prophets and messengers, who will lead them to death and destruction.
Gone will be the independent rule of various nations, which will come under the single banner of Yah.
Once your feet are on the path Yah desires you to walk, you must never stray from it.
The soul that hears the law and refuses to keep it, or once kept the law and wandered from it, will be accursed.
It is Yah who commanded that his laws be kept with all diligence.
The more years you have under Yah’s instruction learning his perfect law, the more you will appreciate and praise him.
Yah is love itself, therefore his motivations and plans, and even the outworking of his innermost desires are powered by love.
The hope of the righteous will be firmly fixed on Yah’s promises, which will sustain them.
To give heed to a fool—to invite their lifeless words into your heart—is like choosing the path of death yourself.
The end of all the wicked will be the same: their place in the earth will be found no more.
When we cry out to Yah in sincerity, he will hear and deliver us, and lead us back on the right path.
The things people suffer for doing evil are far worse than those suffered by Yah’s servants when they do good.
The entrance of sin in this world was made possible by one of our first parents believing a lie.
Yah’s faithful and obedient servants will be the only ones to not fade from the world scene.
Yah separated good from evil, clean from unclean, and the people of Israel from the surrounding nations.
Woe to those who persecute Yah’s faithful; who deride and torment those striving for righteousness.
For those who fear Yah, he does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities.
If you are going to boast, which is a sign of pride (a thing Yah hates) boast only in this. . . .
You create and sustain the wealth of the rich by buying into their debase culture.
Yah cares for the fatherless, the widow, the lonely, and the prisoner among those who are his.
When all is said and done, we have one path to Yah, one door that opens directly to him.
Never forget that the mercy you show is the mercy you will be shown when it comes to your own eventual judgment.
Concerning sin and judgment, Yah does not even spare nature. But the same is true when he pours out blessings.
After a time of reading and studying Scripture, Yah will test you.
The covenant that Yah established with the people of Israel was never meant to be broken or ignored.
Rather than forcing our own purpose on ourselves, we must wait for Yah to guide us toward our true purpose.
Doing the will of Yah can only be achieved by keeping his laws, and not by doing what we think will please him.
Loving our neighbor as ourselves includes helping those within our culture who are striving for righteousness.
Whatever goes against Yah’s law goes against him, and those are the things we should hate.
Yeshua is still largely rejected by the world of people he created and even by the very nation he was born to.
There is neither praising Yah nor idle or abominable speech in the grave.
Yah’s promises will be fulfilled by a literal and specific people living today.
As mortals, we ought to rely on the judgment and leading of one who cannot be fooled by appearances.
Yah created everything for a purpose, and we, in particular, were created to love, serve, and obey him.
The only storehouse for true wisdom is Yah, and he has abundant reserves for those who live according to his will.
Yah gives us ample time to hear and heed his warnings, then turn and repent.
The wicked say whatever comes to mind without regard, but the righteous consider their words carefully.
I will make with them a covenant of peace . . . so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness.
Sin is attributed to us for our very thoughts and the evil intent of our hearts.
Israelites far and wide fail little tests and trials that are meant to carry them to the next level of faith and obedience.
A nation is only truly blessed when it is under the protection of Yah and has his backing.
Those who do not study Scripture on their own with Yah’s guidance are in danger of being deceived.
Though your people Israel be as the sand of the sea, only a remnant of them will return.
Yah’s promises to true Israel will stand, and once they are obedient again, the world will change.
The wealthy and the powerful are nothing in the eyes of Yah, for theirs is only perceived wealth and power.
Rejecting the Messiah means—according to the law—that you are ready to die eternally for your own sins.
True Israel is a people Yah has promised to use to honor his name for all time and eternity.
At the end of Yah’s bitterness, he allows you to experience his deliverance.
If you are not offended by vile speech, then you need to work on laying to rest the old you.
Upon being awakened, we will be filled with Yah’s truth, and it is that truth that sets us free.
Having your sins blotted out is entirely up to you. It is a matter of repenting, believing, and living the truth.
All spiritual assemblies, churches, groups, and other associations will eventually be corrupted by evil infiltrators.
In order to qualify for the important work in the Kingdom, you have to prove faithful and responsible now.
Sin is an early invasion, and for the rest of our lives it will plague us.
The day will come when Yeshua’s net will be cast and the separation of the evil from the righteous commence.
Yah has planned destruction and disaster for those who refuse to listen.
We must do the work of Yah without grumbling or expecting reward or even a thank you.
Knowing Scripture is key to discerning whether someone is of Yah or is merely an agent of the devil.
Being humble and contrite are characteristics you must strive for, because it is what Yah desires to see.
Showing partiality based on physical characteristics and personality traits makes us evil judges.
Reaping what we sow is in keeping with the system of spiritual algorithms Yah has in place.
Instead of seeking revenge, the priests of Yah are to intercede and pray for others.
The formula to prospering is found in Scripture, and it involves walking in Yah’s ways.
We operate far below the level of Yah, whose just ways we can scarcely comprehend.
Yah himself is a treasury; a vault from which we can draw spiritual riches.
We would do well to restrict our tongues to this one use.
As servants of Yah, we are required to do only one thing. . . .
After receiving the call to repentance, never turn back from the path.
Yah is eager to bestow blessings on those who serve him.
The words we use hold more weight than we can ever imagine.
The final trumpet blown will usher in Yah’s long-awaited Kingdom.
The success of your plans will depend on your commitment to Yah.
Yield to Yah in even the smallest of matters. Be not wise in your own eyes.
The seeds you plant will bear the fruit you must eat, good or bad.
If you are striving for righteousness on the daily, this Morsel’s for you.
Choose your words wisely in this walk, for you will be judged by them.
Yah is a source of life-giving waters to the forest of people who serve him.
Living among Gentile nations is a major test for the remnant of true Israel.
Very soon, we will be stuck the way we are, either living in sin, or striving for righteousness.
Yah alone will unify the faithful and put an end to our disparate beliefs.
Only few will give ear to Yah’s warnings through his messengers. Will you?
Depending on your heart, Yah’s path will either be smooth or treacherous.
The day is fast approaching when Yah will reclaim his people.
The greatest work of the greatest living artist might be you.
Who brings prosperity? And who causes adversity in your life?
We are commanded to not plot evil against those who have not wronged us.
Yah’s jealousy is roused by his people’s insistence on serving others deities.
Yah keeps his promises, which means his blessings have to flow.
Do not crave the things of this world over Yah’s blessings.
Yah will again rescue his people from their current oppression.
Why you should fiercely guard the avenue of your heart.
The scattered nation of Israel suffers for listening to its corrupt leaders.
Identifying who the everlasting dominion belongs to through prophecy.
Hebrew Israelites fell from a position of power due to rebellion.
Those who reproach and revile you should not be feared.
Why Yah will never forsake the people he considers his own.
Serving Yah and being obedient is the formula for success.