Don’t allow yourself to be concerned with matters that are beyond your comprehension.
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Shalom, and happy morning to you. We are living in an era where distractions of all kinds will be hurled at us so that we are pulled in different directions, or else lulled off the path in search of what we believe to be truth. However, that seeming truth will only be another distraction that will not allow you to work on your spiritual character, and thus have your heart ready to meet the Master.
Many will come with vain theories and philosophies that will entice souls and tickle ears, but their doctrines will be nothing more than idle pursuits. Yah has already laid out what we are to be doing at this moment. Exactly what Yeshua warned against—allowing people to deceive us in these last days—is going to continue to happen on a wide scale. New, sensational doctrines and theories will abound that will get souls fired up to head off in search of more, but it will all lead to nothing. This trap only works when you allow yourself to be concerned with matters that are beyond your comprehension. Then when someone comes along with a new theory on that matter, even though it doesn’t line up with the Scriptures you should be familiar with, the doctrine stirs your once quiet soul. Regarding this, we should have the mindset of King David, who said:
1 Yah, my heart is not proud; my eyes are not haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to grasp. 2 Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me. 3 O Israel, put your hope in Yah—now and always.
—Psalm 131:1 – 3
Keywords: deception trap, sensational doctrines, idle pursuits, psalm 131 1-3, morning morsels, living hebrew, kingdom preppers, daily devotion, growing up Hebrew, guh