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Scripture Studies
The Spirit of the Law
Part five in a loose, non-chronological series, this episode of The Spirit of the Law focuses on the tent of meeting, or dwelling-place, which the people of Israel constructed according to the temple pattern shown to Moses. But what does the tent of meeting represent in our lives today?
Part four in a loose, non-chronological series, this episode of The Spirit of the Law focuses on the kinsman-redeemer, one who is a close relative with the legal right, per Torah, to restore or preserve that which was lost by his family members. The spiritual substance of this law has immense and eternal implications.
Part three in a loose, non-chronological series, this episode of The Spirit of the Law focuses on the Laver, or Sea that was used by the Levitical priests to cleanse themselves before entering the temple. But how does it figure in prophecy and what does it represent today?
Part two in a loose, non-chronological series, this episode of The Spirit of the Law focuses on sacrifices and what we are to do in place of them today.
The 12-Week Journey
In the final episode, we delve into what the foundation of your true purpose is comprised of, and how you can build a strong one.
In this episode, we consider the mission that lies at the core of our true purpose, and how we are to fulfill it.
In this episode, we elaborate on how Yah trains us for our purpose by calling us to serve others at unexpected times.
In this episode, we tackle the concept of spiritual growth and what steps need to be made on our parts to accomplish that growth.
In this episode, we review what lies at the heart of your true purpose, and how you can cultivate it through meaningful relationships.
In this episode, we examine the importance of surrendering our all to Yah without doubt or questioning, which leads to full obedience.
In this episode, we cover what one needs to do to start living a life that pleases Yah, which results from serving your purpose.
In this episode, we learn that Yah tests everyone in order that they might be conditioned for use in his service.
In this episode, we focus on the fact that everyone serves a temporary or eternal purpose, be they wicked or righteous.
In this episode, we look at various motivating forces in your life, and point to the one that should be your chief motivator.
In this episode, we explore the incontrovertible truth that Yah does nothing by chance, including bringing you into existence.
We look at “eternal fire” as used in three verses of the Messianic Writings, as well as the concept of eternal punishment, which Christianity has long embraced. But has this concept been properly interpreted?
In this enhanced scripture study, we examine the seven separate events that form the spring and fall feasts or pure convocations on the calendar of Yah. What is the prophetic meaning behind these feasts, and if we are to observe them today, how do we go about doing so?
Who will you allow to be your guide in this life when it comes to Scriptural matters? Who is best suited to lead you into the light, and impart the truth? This video will reveal the answers.
Scattered Among the Nations
The Covenant Law of Yah
List of Kingdom Preparedness
This final video in the Scattered Among the Nations series focuses on Yah's plan to regather the true people of Israel from the nations they were scattered to as slaves, after they have acknowledged their sins, repented, and have begun to keep his laws in keeping with the original covenant made at Mount Sinai.
This episode will examine whether or not we are under a new covenant, as well as the importance of actual lineage as concerns the True Hebrew Israelites.
This is the tenth and final video in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the ninth and final video in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the eighth in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the seventh in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the sixth in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the fifth in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the fourth in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the third in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This is the second in a 10-part series that focuses on the covenant law of Yah which was inscribed on tablets of stone at Mount Sinai. What do these laws really mean and how are we to keep them?
This five-attribute kingdom preparedness list is the only list true believers need in these last days to prepare for and survive any situation, test or trial, and time of trouble. It will also ready them for the Kingdom of Yah.
This five-attribute kingdom preparedness list is the only list true believers need in these last days to prepare for and survive any situation, test or trial, and time of trouble. It will also ready them for the Kingdom of Yah.
This five-attribute kingdom preparedness list is the only list true believers need in these last days to prepare for and survive any situation, test or trial, and time of trouble. It will also ready them for the Kingdom of Yah.
This five-attribute kingdom preparedness list is the only list true believers need in these last days to prepare for and survive any situation, test or trial, and time of trouble. It will also ready them for the Kingdom of Yah.
This mini-documentary explores the spiritual algorithms that are created by Yah's spoken and written word; algorithms that are present in our daily lives and evident in our spiritual walk with Yah. We also show how these algorithms are triggered by our actions and choices, leading to rewards or dire consequences.
We delve into the calendar of Yah and learn what Gregorian month the Scripture reveals to be the beginning of the year. The result is also corroborated by historic findings, such as an ancient Israelite tablet, as well as empirical testing, and a review of scholarly assessments that are supported by the sure Word of truth: the Scriptures.
Learn what comprises Yah’s true economy, and discover your true worth to Yah in this eye-opening documentary that explores real banking that involves eternal money and a market system that deals in everlasting commodities!
This is an important last days message for those who will be part of the remnant. What causes spiritual blindness within Israel? And how can it be healed?
A concise look at the history of the chosen people of Yah, the nation of Israel. This documentary traces their journey from the split into two kingdoms in ancient times to the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD and their sojourn in a strange land prior to being scattered among the nations. And we also address who they are today and what fate awaits them.
Set Apart Poetry
A free verse poem about the forced scattering of the people of Israel, who, in the distant lands of their captivity, are now returning to the Most High Yah as prophesied.
A free verse poem that details the history of true Israel having its identity stolen by its white oppressors, against whom they struggle to obtain basic human rights.
A free verse poem that takes us on a journey through Yah’s created world, encompassing lush land, bird-filled sky, and teeming seas.
A free verse poem focusing on the worldwide deception forced on all humans from birth and the only way to escape it.
Churchianity Podcast
Capitalism is the final de facto religion to emerge on the world stage, which it quickly dominates. Meanwhile, Christianity, which is given two thousand years to flourish—as seen in key Scriptural events and prophecies—is integral to the system of the two beasts of Revelation 13. The identity of that second beast is also revealed, allowing us to mark our place on the prophetic timeline.
As Christian denominations spread throughout the colonies, sans the support or protection of any central government, they each found a way to gain a foothold while learning to tolerate one another. Within this new environment, and surrounded by unbelievers as they were, a series of revivals took place that led to two Great Awakenings. This in turn led to the birth of several new harlot daughters of Mystery Babylon.
The harlot daughters of the mother church begin to spread across the American colonies and carve out individual paths to eventual separation from the old world. Slavery, meanwhile, thrives as a result of increased trade created in a new market system, which, with the establishment of the United States, gives rise to capitalism, a new and far-reaching religion.
European nations embark on an empire-building spree by founding new colonies in the new world, chief among them being the thirteen colonies established by Great Britain, which began with Virginia. Failed attempts at making the investment work eventually lead to the institution of slavery, which sees the first Israelites shipped to Jamestown in August of 1619. Millions more follow over time, fulfilling specific Scriptural curses and prophecies.
While European nations are rejecting Catholicism far and wide on the grounds of theological disagreements, England finds fault with the mother church for political reasons. British succession to the throne draws the king of England into conflict with the papacy, forcing Henry VIII to split with the dominant religion and stand at the head of yet another branch of it. But opposition from Puritans further shapes the denomination.
Intent on passing through Geneva after a one-night stay, John Calvin is asked to join the reform movement there. His efforts and leadership in effect resulted in a third branch of Protestantism: Reformed Christianity. In the late 1550s, a militant version of this movement spreads beyond Geneva and draws a large number of converts. The denomination reached its height in Scotland and migrated to America after engulfing Europe.
Due to his outlaw status, Martin Luther is forced to remain in the shadows of the Reformation while others assume leadership positions in his church, which quickly develops into an institution. Meanwhile, Ulrich Zwingli, a prominent Swiss reformer laboring apart from Luther, spearheads an important reform movement in the Swiss Confederacy that gives rise to radical Protestants who create yet another denomination: the Anabaptists.
Martin Luther lived through a series of pivotal historic movements, and he charted a course that saw him leave his own indelible and prophetic mark, that being the Protestant Reformation, which he is considered to have fathered. Abhorred by the selling of indulgences, Martin Luther begins his attack on the church with a series of influential writings, which leads to his excommunication. But the Reformation could not be stopped.
After gaining maritime knowledge, the Portuguese embark on explorations that lead to the discovery of islands that become their new outposts. In search of gold, they reach the west African coast and instead create a new slave market by enslaving and trading descendants of ancient Israelites. Meanwhile, Spain finances Columbus’s first voyage to the New World—mistaken for the East Indies—which touches off the European age of “discovery.”
While the Great Schism of the papacy played out following the Avignon period, the glories and excesses of the Renaissance were being realized. Painters, sculptors, artists, and poets—by blending paganism and Christianity—sought to capture the essence of Greek and Roman splendor as expressed through art and literature. Amidst the creative explosion, the popes sought to elevate Rome to new heights and restore her former glory.
Retired Series
Scripture Readings
Video Newsletters
LKP Videos
LKP Treasure Trove
In today’s story, a little girl named Gail will learn that even she can give of herself to a level that is considered her very best.
In today’s story, a teenager named Tristan will act as a land agent for a Gentile couple, which prepares him to be Yah’s Promised Land agent for the people of Israel.
In today’s story, a teenage girl named Kayla will see the error of her ways and strive to be a good neighbor to someone who is not one of her people.
Today, Antwon will share that Independence Day has nothing to do with True Hebrews, because we are still in the lands of our enemies, who enslaved us.
LKP Story Time
Join Athuna and her grandmother on a thrilling bedtime story adventure in this video picture book that takes place in the time of ancient Israel, as seen through the eyes of the talking donkey from Numbers 22.
LKP Documentaries
We focus on the spiritual and prophetic comparisons between sheep and goats and illustrate how they relate to us as followers of Yeshua who hear his voice and follow him and those who do not.
LKP Scripture Reading
When Boaz, an ancestor of King David, sees an opportunity to marry a faithful widow in Israel who is dedicated to Yah, he gathers the town leaders and publicly commits himself to her.
Hilkiah the priest finds the writing of Yah’s law in the temple and it is brought to King Josiah and read. The king tears his clothes and weeps when he hears the law and causes his people to repent.
Yah speaks directly to the children of Israel for the first time after freeing them from slavery in Egypt. Israel learns that he is the only Elohim they are to serve!
Growing Up Hebrew (Retired Series)
Naomi and her mom talk about the importance of being responsible with everything from chores and errands to keeping Yah's laws.
GUH Videos
A short rhyming video that teaches young children about the change in seasons and its association with the Fall Feasts.
A tween who is new to the local art center is nervous about his first day due to rumors about mean teens.
Cousin Naomi and I often listen to this podcast from Vermont Public Radio called “But Why,” and thought we would share it with our Beets listeners.
Cousin Naomi and I enjoyed this podcast called “The Past and the Curious,” and thought we would share it with our Carrots viewers.
In this episode, we look at the beautiful cone snail, an extremely poisonous little mollusk that is slow but efficient.
LH Videos
Livingh Hebrew: Selah
Torah says that a fire is not to be kindled on the Sabbath day, but this law has a deeper foundation, meaning, and application than most think.
The world celebrates birthdays in various ways, and this custom is steeped in age-old traditions. But, as servants of Yah, should we celebrate birthdays along with the world?
Morning Morsels
Only those who hike the long path—who walk in Yah’s ways—will get the reward at the end of the journey.
Those who choose a destructive path after being warned will make up two thirds of our people, according to prophecy.
Fruit Bearers
Charles grew up in a Christian family that instilled a set of morals in him that acted as seeds for future growth. While he stumbled around in search of who he really was, he finally perceived Yah’s call and began living his purpose by bearing fruit for the Kingdom.
From a young age, Asonta was moved to lead children in prayer and encourage them to give their lives to the Creator. Raised a Baptist, her own life was full of religious strictures which prepared her to walk a disciplined path once she was on her own. Her awakening only enforced her spiritual convictions, and now she has no dissolutions about who she is and what she is to do as a fruit bearer.
Growing up in a Christian family had its ups and downs, but it was a place of security for Ashley J. When she left her family to pursue her education, life presented several challenges that brought her into contact with Yah in a real way. Her awakening followed, and after a complete shift, Ashley is now devoted to living the life of a Fruit Bearer.
With sports, particularly American football, being the center of much of his life, a spiritual awakening jarred Michael J. from his slumber and thrust him into a new arena, where he could be of use to Yah. Shifting from secular to full spiritual mode, Michael now uses his talents and abilities as a fruit bearer for Yah on a daily basis.