In this episode, we cover what one needs to do to start living a life that pleases Yah, which results from serving your purpose.
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My 12-Week Journal
Week 06#: A Life That Pleases Him
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The first thing you must understand about your existence is that you were created to please Yah. Regardless of your present outlook on life or the current view you hold of yourself; despite the fact that you are not perfect and are guilty of many past transgressions, you were brought forth to please Yah. That is the reason every natural thing exists. Of course, sin entered Creation and has since corrupted the natural, but while here in this fallen world, we must seek to rise above the lure of sin and find our way back to the path that pleases Yah, and remain on that path.
Each and every soul who belongs to Yah, and is called to his service, brings him great pleasure. And within the lives of each of these faithful individuals are found a set of spiritual threads they all share. In examining the life of Noah, who Yah used to reset the clock of human history so to speak, we see that he alone was not given to the worldwide corruption that plagued the entire society. Of this we are told that:
“Yah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And Yah regretted that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart.”
—Genesis 6:5 – 6
From this we see that the very intention, the secret thoughts, within the heart of man, being evil continually, was enough to bring Yah great displeasure. Evil thoughts and intentions alone evoke the opposite fundamental feeling Yah wanted to express when bringing forth his creations. Reaching down a couple verses, however, we read:
“But Noah found favor in the eyes of Yah.”
—Genesis 6:8
Verse 9 tells us that Noah was a righteous man who walked with Elohim. Put another way, he lived a life that was pleasing to Yah. Because of this, Noah enjoyed fellowship with the Creator, and he could be used to serve a grand purpose, seeing he passed a test the world at large had failed. No one else had done what Noah had accomplished: finding favor in Yah’s eyes by living a life that pleased him. This meant that Noah alone was set apart. He refused to follow the largest, most influential secular group that ever existed. This is what we must do in our lives as well.
What Noah displayed in his life of service to Yah is essentially The List of Kingdom Preparedness, which we covered in another series. Noah was able to hear Yah’s voice, because he belonged to Yah. No other living person at the time could claim that privilege. And all that Noah heard, he fully obeyed without questioning Yah. Beginning at verse 13, Yah told Noah of his plans. And yes, Yah reveals his plans to his servants insofar as they will be involved in, and necessary to, the fulfillment of those plans. Yah revealed that he would make an end of all flesh and start anew with Noah himself. Yah then gave detailed instructions for the construction of an ark, which had not only never come into the imagination of man prior to this, since it had never rained before—according to Genesis 2:5—but neither did Noah consider his ability in building the ark. The monumental undertaking of building something that never existed before did not weigh on Noah, for Yah, as he does with all his servants whom he prepares for their purpose, trained Noah all his life, and equipped him for just such an undertaking. So obedient was Noah in fulfilling everything he was commanded to do, that Scripture records:
“Noah did this; he did all that Elohim commanded him.”
—Genesis 6:22
In hearing and obeying, Noah also displayed great faith, because he did not concern himself with how the animals would be brought to the ark, or whether the dimensions of the ship could satisfy so large a passenger list. Then came his works. Noah did not show impatience during the lengthy period of time it took to build the ark, to which he faithfully dedicated himself. And during that time, he spread the message of salvation to any and all who would listen, beginning with his household. While only seven members of his family heard and obeyed, and finally displayed faith in entering the ark with him, Noah did have other family members—many brothers and sisters, cousins, uncles, and aunts (according to Genesis 5:25 – 30)—but all of them failed to hear the words of warning, along with the rest of the world.
Noah served his purpose, and he carried on with his life following his extended family’s rejection of the message of salvation. One of Noah’s first acts upon leaving the ark, verse 20 tells us, was building an altar and offering up burnt offerings on that altar. This was the final attribute on the preparedness list, for it comes with prayer. In the very next verse, we read that the smells created a pleasing aroma to Yah. Revelation 5:8 reveals that incense in the golden bowls in the heavenly temple are the prayers of the set apart ones, so we see the spiritual correlation. All of Yah’s servants, who are called and trained to live out their true purpose here on earth, will complete The List of Kingdom Preparedness in their walk. This is how we ultimately train for our future service and apply that training to our purpose.
Noah’s purpose, and that of his family—as well as the animals selected to live on the ark—was the same purpose given to our very first parents. Genesis 8:17 says that they were to “be fruitful and multiply on the earth.”
This was a new beginning for Creation, and that fruitfulness and multiplication is intended even now in the highest spiritual sense. Each of our purposes will be served with the aim of abundantly filling the Kingdom with servants of Yah. Serving your purpose, therefore, is key to living a life that pleases Yah.
From the Genesis account involving Noah, we see that Yah pays close attention to what happens in the lives of his creations. Scripture actually confirms this truth:
“Yah looks down from heaven; he sees all the children of man; from where he sits enthroned he looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, he who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds.”
—Psalm 33:13 – 15
When we live according to his will, and satisfy the requirement for the reason we even exist, which is to bring Yah pleasure, he will fellowship with us. We must not live according to our own conceptions of what a life on earth should be like, but according to what Yah has designed for us. And in doing this, we can be assured that he will be pleased. The greatest example of this is Yeshua, who said:
“… I do nothing of my own authority, but speak just as the Father taught me. And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.”
—John 8:28 – 29
Over the next 7 weeks, I’m asking you to continue this journey with me; not a journey to figure out a career path, or how to busy yourself and fill your life with meaningless activities. In fact, we’ll be seeking to clear out the clutter and pare things down so you can focus on the most important aspect of your life: what it is Yah has truly called you to do in service to him.
Remember that our purpose, and our plans, must derive from Yah. This 12-week journey will involve listening to this message one week at a time, while applying its principles to your life. The 12 parts should not be binged in one go, otherwise it defeats the purpose of the journey. If you have already viewed the series one week at a time, then feel free to binge in another viewing.
First, listen to this message several times and review its various points.
Keep this in mind:
In fulfilling my purpose, I must do the things that are pleasing to Yah.
Reflect on this verse of the week:
“Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, ‘Great is Yah, who delights in the welfare of his servant!’ “
—Psalm 35:27
Ask yourself this question:
When Yah looks down at me from his throne of purity, will he behold me doing the things that please him, or the things for which he destroyed the world?
Keywords: pleasing Yah, Genesis 6, Noah, evil intent, Yah reveals his plans, Noah’s ark, prayers of the set apart ones, golden bowls, be fruitful and multiply, things that are pleasing to Yah, kingdom preppers, finding purpose, 12-week journey, searching for purpose, kingdom prepping, kp, scripture-study