Churchianity Part 27: The Spread of Calvinism

Intent on passing through Geneva after a one-night stay, John Calvin is asked to join the reform movement there. His efforts and leadership in effect resulted in a third branch of Protestantism: Reformed Christianity. In the late 1550s, a militant version of this movement spreads beyond Geneva and draws a large number of converts. The denomination reached its height in Scotland and migrated to America after engulfing Europe.

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Keywords: William Farel, Geneva, justification by faith, sanctification, Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed, German Reformed, Congregationalist, John Calvin, Martin Bucer, Strasbourg, Strassburg, Michael Servetus, Huguenots, Philip II, Belgic Confession, churchianity, two thousand years of leaven, history of Christianity, church history, Hebrew history, kp, kingdom preppers

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