The 12-Week Journey 04: Your True Purpose is Eternal — Kingdom Preppers

The 12-Week Journey 04: Your True Purpose is Eternal

In this episode, we focus on the fact that everyone serves a temporary or eternal purpose, be they wicked or righteous.

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My 12-Week Journal

Week 04#: Your True Purpose is Eternal

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In setting personal long-term goals, people who have not given themselves to Yah only plan for this life. They see but so far and the rest is beyond their scope. But Yah has established your true purpose to last forever. It will be something you begin to fulfill in this life, and carry over into the next, which will be in the Kingdom here on earth. On this side of the Kingdom, life is truly short, but this life is merely a testing environment to prepare you for the real thing: the millennium, and beyond that, eternity. When you learn what your true purpose is, which you have been training for your entire life in some sense, not only will you begin to fulfill it here, but know that you will continue in that purpose beyond this life.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 says that Yah “has put eternity into man’s heart.” That means that the very concept of eternal life is implanted in us, and is something we should look forward to. But embracing this concept means living our lives according to Yah’s will, for only the servants of Yah will be granted eternal life. While many do not want to yield themselves to Yah, we are all hardwired to long for an eternal existence, because he has put eternity into our hearts.

What must be understood is that everything on earth serves a purpose for Yah, but, when it comes to people, not all of those purposes are eternal. If you do not fully yield yourself to Yah and turn from the wickedness of this world, even though Yah can and will use you, your purpose will be short-lived. There are many examples of this in Scripture. In Numbers 22, Balaam, a man who practiced divination and was given to omens—and who was not a servant of Yah—was summoned by the king of Moab to curse the people of Israel. Yah intervened and gave Balaam a new, temporary purpose. In verse 13 Balaam is told by Yah: “You shall not curse the people, for they are blessed.” Thus, Balaam proceeded to bless Israel four times, which vexed the Moabite king.

But Balaam’s purpose was brief, and after serving it, his life was used up.

“Balaam also, the son of Beor, the one who practiced divination, was killed with the sword by the people of Israel among the rest of their slain.”

—Joshua 13:22

On the other hand, those who have committed their lives to Yah, and who are trained for an eternal purpose, will fulfill that purpose in their lifetime and beyond. Examples of this are also in Scripture. Moses served in the court of Pharaoh for forty years, and was groomed as a leader (see Acts 7:20 – 29). After fleeing to Midian, he settled down for another forty years and Exodus 3:1 says that he kept “the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of Elohim.” Horeb is another name for Mount Sinai. So, Yah trained Moses for his future eternal purpose not only via a high station in Pharaoh’s court—a worldly setting that could not fully prepare him for the Kingdom work he was bound to do—but also by having him shepherd the flock of a priest. I hope you see Yah’s plan for Moses in all this. Moses then encounters Yah in the burning bush and is told his purpose:

“ ‘Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.’ But Moses said to Elohim, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?’ He said, ‘But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve Elohim on this mountain.’ “

—Exodus 3:10 – 12

What Moses was training for in Midian, by leading the flock of sheep to Horeb, would be lived out in the great Exodus that would see Israel being led from Egypt to the very same mountain, also called Sinai, where Yah would establish his covenant with the nation. During his time in the Egyptian court, he was also required to appear before Pharaoh, the highest ruler in the land, which prepared him to appear before not only a different Pharaoh prior to the Exodus, but also before Elohim, the highest ruling power in all Creation. This is a clue as to how Yah readies each and every one of his servants for their true eternal purpose, even in a secular environment early in their walk. Moses will be an eternal shepherd, or leader in the Kingdom, and one of high rank in the court of Yah.

In another example, Revelation 17:14 refers to Yeshua as the King of kings, signifying that he will not be the only King in the Kingdom. In Revelation 21:24 we are told that “the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it.” One of those eternal kings, according to 2 Samuel 7, is David. There, we are told that the word of Yah came to the prophet Nathan who was to deliver a message to King David. At the end of that message, David is told:

“ ‘And your house and your kingdom shall be made sure forever before me. Your throne shall be established forever.’ In accordance with all these words, and in accordance with all this vision, Nathan spoke to David.”

—2 Samuel 7:16

According to Psalm 132:11 – 12, that promise extended to all of David's sons who were faithful to the covenant as well. Other servants were also shown their eternal purpose in the word. Yeshua, the son of the Most High Yah, knew his eternal purpose as well.

“For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.”

—John 18:37

And, according to John 20:20, his immortal body will be marked by eternal scars as the high price for bearing that witness. Our lives here on earth are filled with choices, and we make them each and every day, but the question of eternity—whether you will enjoy it or not—comes down to a choice between two paths: the Kingdom or the lake of fire. Despite which path you choose—and yes, the choice is really yours—you will either serve a temporary purpose in this life, or live according to your eternal purpose beginning in this life, and continuing into the Kingdom and beyond.


Again, if you are Yah’s, serving your true purpose is something you have been readying for all your life. Yah has been training you for it since childhood, and even through your secular work and other activities. While you will not remain in the same capacity or function all of your life if you are truly led by Yah, your training will include many things from your worldly experiences, because Yah works with his chosen people at every stage of their lives, despite their ignorance of his hidden work. But over time, after you have accepted truth and begin to awaken, this world and its ways will cease to have the appeal it once did. And while Yah continues to work on your heart and train you within the world, he does not desire that you remain part of it. You must actively seek to shun the world, blocking your ears and shutting your eyes from its evils, which come in the form of various kinds of entertainment.

Over the next 9 weeks, I’m asking you to continue this journey with me; not a journey to figure out a career path, or how to busy yourself and fill your life with meaningless activities. In fact, we’ll be seeking to clear out the clutter and pare things down so you can focus on the most important aspect of your life: what it is Yah has truly called you to do in service to him.

Remember that our purpose, and our plans, must derive from Yah. This 12-week journey will involve listening to this message one week at a time, while applying its principles to your life. The 12 parts should not be binged in one go, otherwise it defeats the purpose of the journey. If you have already viewed the series one week at a time, then feel free to binge in another viewing.


First, listen to this message several times and review its various points.

Keep this in mind:
Like all the servants of Yah I read about in Scripture, my purpose too is eternal, therefore I should not be satisfied with living out a temporary purpose.

Reflect on this verse of the week:

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of Elohim abides forever.”

—1 John 2:15 – 17

Ask yourself this question:
Will I choose the Kingdom and hate the things of this world that I might continue to serve my purpose beyond this life?

Keywords: long-term goals, Balaam, temporary purpose, Numbers 22, burning bush, court of Pharaoh, Moses, Horeb, Sinai, eternal king, David, King of kings, training for your purpose, do not love the world, kingdom preppers, finding purpose, 12-week journey, searching for purpose, kingdom prepping, kp, scripture-study

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