Sprouts: Media Corner Episode 2

Cousin Naomi and I sometimes listen to this podcast from NPR called “WOW in the World,” and thought we would share it with our Sprouts listeners.

Parents, if you’re interested in this podcast channel, you must vet each episode before having your delicate Sprouts children, who are growing up Hebrew, listen on their own or with the family.

Here is an edited version of an episode called “Heeeere Foodie Foodie Foodie! – Edible Insects Are On The Menu!”

Listen to the full episode of today's podcast by clicking the link below:


Sprouts (for ages 3 - 6)

This content is intended for children aged 3-6 years, who we consider little Brussel sprouts. However, no matter how old you are, we tailored these videos to be fun for the whole family!

Keywords: eating bugs, grasshopper, john the immerser, john the baptist, locust, cricket, kingdom preppers, growing up hebrew, Little Kingdom Preppers, LKP, Little KP, GUH, KP, Beets

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