In the final episode, we delve into what the foundation of your true purpose is comprised of, and how you can build a strong one.
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My 12-Week Journal
Week 12#: The Foundation of Your Purpose
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The previous 11 messages should give you a thorough overview of what your purpose will look like and encompass, and what you must do in order to be prepared to live it out. We will all serve a specific purpose in Yah that carries a shared mission, just as various military personnel serve different functions within a shared mission during times of war, which is usually that of winning a battle for the nation they represent. Right now, we are in the middle of a spiritual war, and our nation is True Israel, whose eternal King is Yeshua.
—Luke 1:31 – 33
Faithfully representing Yah and Yeshua as you fight your daily battles is part of your particular function, or purpose in this walk. And though there are many purposes, for every servant of Yah, a single thread runs through each and every purpose. Just as all cats, all birds, and all fish have things in common, the purpose of every believer has a similar set of characteristics and the same basic foundation. It’s not going to be boiled down to a job, or a role in secular society; no corporation, group, or organization in this world can give you your purpose, because everything you see around you that has been touched by man will cease to be. Your true purpose can work within this secular environment, however, and yet be separate and distinct from it. Even though Daniel served in the court of a great ruler, and held a high position in that court, he fulfilled his purpose in Yah. But his purpose, while carried out during his tenure as a court official, was separate and distinct from that office, because when his duties to Yah came into conflict with the demands of the king, Daniel sided with Yah.
When Nebuchadnezzar had ordered his chief eunuch to bring members of the Judahite royal family and nobility to be trained for service in his palace,
—Daniel 1:5, 8 – 9
We have to resolve in our hearts that we will not defile ourselves for any reason, spiritually or physically, when it comes to this walk, be it for a relationship, job, or any other circumstance. Yah requires our undivided loyalty. This kind of unwavering faithfulness and obedience should stand as the foundation of your true purpose. Knowing what that purpose is requires that you dig into your past, because Yah has been training and preparing you for it all your life by laying the spiritual ground of your foundation. As recorded in 1 Samuel 17, David, in his youth, struck down both lions and bears to protect his father’s sheep, which prepared him to fight Goliath in order to protect Israel. Later, he fended off the Philistines and other national enemies in the same way. And, unlike other kings from his line, David even protected Israel from their greatest spiritual enemy: idolatry.
Like David, Joshua too had the spiritual ground of his foundational purpose laid early in life, for Scripture records that he, the son of Nun, was …
—Numbers 11:28
Joshua served so faithfully in this role, it is no wonder that Scripture later records:
—Joshua 1:1 – 2, 5
If you are his, you will find that from your youth, Yah has been preparing you for your purpose as well. You have been honing certain skills and developing keen interests in particular areas that can be used to great effect toward furthering the Kingdom. But only Yah can reveal to you what your true purpose is, and how you are to be used in his service. Living out your purpose, however, must be done on the proper foundation, otherwise your entire spiritual structure will collapse in on itself. As seen in the lives of Joshua and David, that foundation must be unwavering faithfulness and obedience to Yah and his laws. In his farewell address to the people of Israel, the prophet and judge, Samuel, said this:
—1 Samuel 12:14
It has already been stated that the King who reigns over us is Yeshua. He is the most faithful king there will ever be. It falls to us as his servants, therefore, to serve and obey the Most High as faithfully as Yeshua did by way of demonstration during his life on earth. Doing this will cause us to stand on a proper foundation as concerns our purpose, and it will be well for us. And know that, just as Abraham, Sarah, Rebekah, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, David, and all the great men and women of Scripture served Yah and lived out their purposes in their generations, we are the current generation of men and women of Yah who are creating a unique history that will be left to the ages. In the end, when this age has passed, and a new one dawns, what will be said of you and your life, and the purpose you served in Yah?
The life of a servant of Yah is like that of ants, in that they leave important pheromone trails behind them they or other ants can easily trace to find the way home. In other words, it’s what we leave behind that matters. This is why we are able to read about the lives of faithful servants of Yah to glean light from their experiences, which aids us in our own walk. By seeing how they lived out their purposes, it encourages us to live out our own. And fulfilling our purposes in this life will only further the establishment of Yah’s eternal Kingdom.
In this final week, I’m asking you to complete this journey with me; not a journey to figure out a career path, or how to busy yourself and fill your life with meaningless activities. In fact, we’ll be seeking to clear out the clutter and pare things down so you can focus on the most important aspect of your life: what it is Yah has truly called you to do in service to him.
Remember that our purpose, and our plans, must derive from Yah. This 12-week journey will involve listening to this message one week at a time, while applying its principles to your life. The 12 parts should not be binged in one go, otherwise it defeats the purpose of the journey. If you have already viewed the series one week at a time, then feel free to binge in another viewing.
First, listen to this message several times and review its various points.
Keep this in mind:
The foundation of my purpose is unwavering faithfulness and obedience to Yah and his laws.
Reflect on this verse of the week:
“ ‘… [D]o not turn aside from following Yah, but serve Yah with all your heart. And do not turn aside after empty things that cannot profit or deliver, for they are empty. For Yah will not forsake his people, for his great name’s sake, because it has pleased Yah to make you a people for himself.’ ”
—1 Samuel 12:20 – 22
Ask yourself this question:
Will I serve Yah with unwavering faithfulness as I fulfill the purpose for which he created me?
Keywords: spiritual war, true Israel, side with Yah, spiritual defilement, physical defilement, undivided loyalty, unwavering faithfulness, obedience, the spiritual ground of your foundation, idolatry, spiritual enemy, I will not leave you or forsake you, kingdom preppers, finding purpose, 12-week journey, searching for purpose, kingdom prepping, kp, scripture-study