Churchianity Part 24: The New World

After gaining maritime knowledge, the Portuguese embark on explorations that lead to the discovery of islands that become their new outposts. In search of gold, they reach the west African coast and instead create a new slave market by enslaving and trading descendants of ancient Israelites. Meanwhile, Spain finances Columbus’s first voyage to the New World—mistaken for the East Indies—which touches off the European age of “discovery.”

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Keywords: Amīma, mani kongo, Bambara, Angola, Kingdom of Ghana, Judahite, Portuguese, Dum Diversas, Romanus Pontifex, padroado real, Nzinga a Nkuwu, Prince Henry the Navigator, Vasco de Gama, Moors, blood purity, churchianity, two thousand years of leaven, history of Christianity, church history, Hebrew history, kp, kingdom preppers

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