Morning Morsels 144: Return to Yah — Kingdom Preppers

Morning Morsels 144: Return to Yah

Yah desires an inward work, which involves rending the heart and laying it bare before him.

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Shalom, and happy morning to you. Even now, the window of repentance is swiftly closing. This is not a time to be lax about your faith and complacent in your walk. Yah is slowly and steadily calling his elect, and those who do not heed the call will be left out. It is time to put off selfish pursuits and join the faithful in serving the Most High, but that will require you to fully surrender to him, not with outward show, as with those who used to rend their garments for all to see.

Yah desires an inward work, which involves rending the heart and laying it bare before him. The Most High wants us to return to him in full service, and with all humility. Heeding that call and approaching him in this manner will in no wise cause him to cast you away, for Yah is loving, and merciful, and quite forgiving, if you are sincere in your repentance. As Yah declared long ago, he still declares this very day:

13 Rend your heart and not your garments. Now return to Yah your Elohim, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil.

—Joel 2:13

Keywords: rend the heart, compassionate Yah, lovingkindness, relenting of evil, joel 2 13, morning morsels, living hebrew, kingdom preppers, daily devotion, growing up Hebrew, guh

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