Morning Morsels 117: Suffering for Good vs Evil

The things people suffer for doing evil are far worse than those suffered by Yah’s servants when they do good.

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Shalom, and happy morning to you. Whenever something bad is about to happen to us, our level of resistance is heightened. We go into defense mode and are on guard against any threat. For the wicked, bad or evil things happening to them that can cause suffering is something they dread terribly, but those events come with the territory when your heart and mind are darkened and your intent is bent toward evil.

The servants of Yah, on the other hand, should not dread any evil that comes upon them, particularly when these things come despite their righteous efforts. If some bad or evil thing should befall you and cause you to suffer, even though you strive daily to live the way Yah desires you to, then it is he who has willed the suffering upon you, and we must go through those things occasionally, because our master and savior did. What is more, the things people suffer for doing evil are far worse than those suffered by Yah’s servants when they do good. This is due to the large measure of mercy Yah has in store for the faithful. So the next time you suffer something terrible despite living a prayerful and obedient life, do not dread it:

17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be Elohim’s will, than for doing evil.

—1 Peter 3:17

Keywords: suffering for doing good, righteous affliction, suffering for evil, punishment, testing, trial, 1 peter 3 17, morning morsels, living hebrew, kingdom preppers, daily devotion, growing up Hebrew, guh

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