Morning Morsels 116: Liars Will Perish

The entrance of sin in this world was made possible by one of our first parents believing a lie.

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Shalom, and happy morning to you. We live in the era of the “little white lie,” of people “bending the truth,” which, to many, both seem less offensive than outright lying. Well, this is what the masses tell themselves at any rate, but any form of lying, even the most harmless ones, by human estimation, is offensive to Yah and will incur his punishment. Lying has been with us since the Garden of Eden. It led our first mother into rebellion, which invited sin into the world and ultimately caused our collective downfall and left us in a state of imperfection.

Because of a seemingly small lie, we are all vulnerable to sickness and disease, weakness and decay, and even a sudden, or slow but certain death. In the beginning, when Adam was first created, it was not so. The entrance of sin changed everything, and it did so by one of our first parents believing a lie. The book of John, chapter 8 verse 44, reveals that the devil is the father of lies; that lying is part of his character. Therefore, anyone who lies has the devil as their father and are going about doing his will. And the fate of all liars—the devil included—will be the same.

9 A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish.

—Proverbs 19:9

Keywords: lies, liars, lying, punishment for liars, the first lie, cause of sin, father of lies, john 8 44, proverbs 19 9, morning morsels, living hebrew, kingdom preppers, daily devotion, growing up Hebrew, guh

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