Morning Morsels 136: Seeking Yah with the Whole Heart

The true people of Israel are being distracted from seeking Yah as a strong, united collective.

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Shalom, and happy morning to you. Since he withdrew his presence from the earth due to true Israel’s national rebellion, Yah has now become a being who must be searched out and diligently sought after. One cannot come to him half-heartedly, or dibble and dabble in Scripture thinking they’ll come away with truth. Those souls will come up empty in their search. And not only must Yah be sought by the individual servant, he must also be searched for by the entire nation of Israel, for their quest will end in a prophetic blessing. Right now, this very moment, we are being distracted from seeking Yah as a strong, united collective, and the focus of many among us is on meaningless or insignificant side quests. But we have a promise from Yah that guarantees a national blessing of return to our land if we seek him with all our heart.

13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, declares Yah, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, declares Yah, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile.

—Jeremiah 29:13 – 14

Keywords: seek yah, half-hearted efforts, find yah, search for yah, wholeheartedness, jeremiah 29 13-14, morning morsels, living hebrew, kingdom preppers, daily devotion, growing up Hebrew, guh

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