The LKP Treasure Trove is loaded with gems of understanding, pearls of wisdom, lessons of gold tried in the fire, among many other spiritual valuables. So dive in and be enriched.
In today’s story, a little girl named Gail will learn that even she can give of herself to a level that is considered her very best.
In today’s story, a teenager named Tristan will act as a land agent for a Gentile couple, which prepares him to be Yah’s Promised Land agent for the people of Israel.
In today’s story, a teenage girl named Kayla will see the error of her ways and strive to be a good neighbor to someone who is not one of her people.
Today, Antwon will share that Independence Day has nothing to do with True Hebrews, because we are still in the lands of our enemies, who enslaved us.
Christians replaced Passover with the celebration of Easter, a pagan custom dating back thousands of years. Nicole will learn its history in today’s story.
Many of us are in danger of clinging to our earthly possessions, but this is how we’re supposed to feel about the eternal treasures that are stored with Yah.
Tyla and her dad will discuss that not being able to physically see Yah doesn’t mean that he isn’t there. There is no where we can go to get away from Yah’s presence.
Troy will learn that everyone is a farmer in a spiritual sense. Whatever seeds we plant in our lives with our behavior are the very experiences that will grow from those seeds.
When we set our eyes on things that are not pleasing to Yah, those worthless things poison our hearts and minds. Lisa will learn this in today’s story.
Crowds of worldly-minded people often choose the wrong thing to flock to. In today’s story, Simon will have to resist following a crowd in doing wrong.
In January, during the dead of winter, people around the world love to celebrate the New Year. But according to Scripture, the year begins in spring.
At its heart, Christmas is a celebration that was born from an ancient pagan festival. In today’s story, Shawn’s family will make a life-changing decision about this pagan day.
Doing what you say you’ll do must become an important habit in your life. In today’s story, David will learn that breaking promises makes him a liar.
Some mornings, you might wake up not feeling like reading your Scriptures, but today’s story will reveal that Scripture is a source of food for our spirits.
Packing up and moving away from familiar surroundings can be very hard, but today, Cedric will have to learn to get over his hurt feelings and move in faith.
In today’s story, Isaiah will learn to not give in to his desires and let his appetite get out of control so he doesn’t serve his own flesh.
Thanksgiving Day events we’ve been told are all lies and the servants of Yah have no business memorializing this day, as Shonice will explain in today’s story.
In today’s story, Hadarah will learn that, when we lose someone near and dear in our lives, even though that loss brings us pain and sorrow Yah promises the blessing of comfort during these sad times.
Today, Aaron will explain to his big sister that Yah uses spiritual road signs to aid us in getting to his Kingdom.
Three trick-or-treaters hear the truth about, Halloween, a tradition rooted in pagan practices that started in Celtic lands some 2,000 years ago.
When we are tempted to do bad things from time to time, we all have the power, through Yah, to resist. In this story, Clarita will resist temptation by being obedient.
When we keep sinning against others, those sins eventually pile up and create a huge obstacle in front of us. In this story, Corey will find that repenting is the only thing that will clear his path.
A Hebrew girl named Yarona will learn the valuable lesson of lending, even when someone is known to not give things back.
Like everything you eventually become really good at, controlling the tongue (which we're commanded to do in Scripture) takes a lot of practice. In today’s story, young Caleb will learn that the stories he likes to repeat amount to gossip, which he has to stop.
Though the troubles of life seem unending at times, there is always peace both throughout and at the end of these trials if we are truly Yah's. While on vacation, a young Hebrew boy named Brian will learn this valuable lesson in today’s story.
While it doesn’t always feel good to receive discipline, taking correction helps to improve who we are as servants of the Most High and citizens of his Kingdom. In today’s story, a young girl named Kendra will learn this firsthand.
Instead of worrying about our everyday needs, Yah would love to just have us live our lives and allow him to provide for us. Vanessa will learn this valuable lesson on her drive home in today’s story.
Sometimes life can feel like a series of tests and trials which are like a fire from Yah, but let’s see what the three Hebrews in today’s story have to say on this subject.
A righteous life should be lived like slow-cooked food. In today’s story, we’ll see how two brothers deal with speed and haste when one of them isn’t so fast.
It’s important to fill each moment of our lives with meaningful activities that have lasting effects. In today’s story, a young Hebrew boy named Lemuel experiences idleness. Here’s how he and his mom dealt with it.