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The article explores the history and meaning of the slogan “What would Yeshua do?” and suggests that it should be rephrased based on the Scriptural teachings of his life and mission.
Discover how Yeshua fulfilled the allegory of the olive press in the Garden of Gethsemane and how this mystery relates to his ultimate sacrifice on the tree.
Feast of Weeks, a convocation we are currently fulfilling, is highly prophetic and will act as a segue to the millennial Kingdom itself.
The power of prayer is fueled by how much spiritual work we have done in our walk with Yah. Our prayer banks fill up based on that work, but spiritual compound interest can help fill those prayer accounts in addition to the day-to-day work of doing what is right in the sight of Yah.
While the Day of Atonement is a day to afflict oneself, the meaning of this is lost to many. Scripture reveals both the prophetic representation this pure convocation, as well as what is required of us on that important day.
The Feast of Trumpets is a celebration before Yah that prophesies the soon-coming Kingdom by way of Yeshua’s return, the gathering of the elect, and the resurrection of the righteous dead throughout the ages.
Death and burial are treated with a great degree of importance in Scriptural narratives, yet what has been the course of events since ancient times is lost to us today.
In this walk, avoiding enemies is not part of the package. They will figure prominently in our lives, but how are we to deal with them according to Scripture?
Honoring your father and your mother is not as simple as it might appear on the surface. One has to consider the temporal as well as the spiritual application.
Discipline should always be tempered by love and self-control. It should never be used as a form of abuse. Yah’s discipline is no different.
In this article, we state our reason for the names we use to refer to the Redeemer, hopefully to the benefit of others.
Leviticus 23 lays out several feasts or pure convocations we are to observe in the spring and fall of each year, but what about feasts that are not mentioned there, like Purim and Hanukkah?
While many mistake the Father, Yah, for the Son, Yeshua, in the Pre-Messianic Scriptures, Yeshua is in fact the one being referred to quite often. Discernment, however, is required to tell the difference.
The system of dates the world recognizes does not account for his statutes or how he apportions time in our lives.
A candid look into the probationary time period that immediately follows each and every believer’s initial awakening, and what is expected of them during these years.
While many have focused on certain aspects of the Promised Land, this article will touch on a little-known aspect, that of the symbols highlighted in the very promise associated with Canaan.
Each and every soul is employed at one of two spiritual corporations, but we are born as employees of Flesh, Inc. Though the good news is: you can switch companies at any time. The choice is yours.
Absorbing the world's negativity and confusion by allowing yourself to be infected by worldly traumas and strife will force you to be overtaken by the clutter of what the world has to offer, none of which will lead you closer to the Most High and his design for your life. This article illustrates how you can get rid of the clutter and refocus on the Most High Yah.
Examining the true depths of the Feast of Booths, how it draws us closer to Yah by forcing us to rely solely on him while we reflect on the ancient Israelites and their dependence in the wilderness. We also discuss what it typifies today, coinciding with our modern-day observance according to the spirit of the law.
Do you ever feel as though you are moving through an overcast life? Each direction you turn appears cloudier than the previous, bringing with it a whirling array of blurry prologues as the precipitation of life weighs heavily upon the body, mind, and spirit. Well in such times, Yah instructs his people to ask him for guidance, and to accept the outcome he has in mind for them.
When Yah’s ways become clear, it forces us to either follow him or remain blindly complacent in pop culture, societal norms, and family tradition. Letting go of these things isn’t always easy, but it is often necessary to do so when choosing Yah above all else.
Yah has an ultimate purpose for all the spiritual beings he created. They are all to represent his true essence and nature as veritable particles of himself. But how will this be fulfilled in your life?
The process of preparing for Passover goes beyond ridding your physical house of leavened products. In Scripture, the physical often points to a spiritual representation that is of greater importance. This article explores those points and more.
For many years I have heard varying tales of when the Messiah was killed, placed in a tomb, and resurrected. The most popular narrative was the Christian one, which held the days between Friday evening and early Sunday morning, resulting in a time frame that is well shy of the required three days and three nights referenced in Matthew 12.
Let us start out by clearing up one very important matter. America is not Babylon! Well . . . not in and of itself. But it is part of Babylon, along with every other country in this vast, wide world. Some are confusing Babylon with the Beast system it controls, of which America, and all other countries are integral components.
Currently, when we speak of time in relation to a day, many of us usually regard that day as a 24-hour period, and that is due to tradition. It has been habit forming from generation to generation, but where did this 24-hour day originate, and furthermore, is it Scriptural?
Hebrews far and wide are struggling to walk the walk and continue on the path of righteousness Yah has set before them. Truth be told, that path is fraught with difficulty and trial, because we have enemies everywhere, both in the world we can see and the one we cannot.
Since the tribes of Israel were declared lost, and the remnants of the nation of Israel were subsequently scattered to the four corners of the earth, many have come forward proclaiming that they are the true descendants of Israel. Christians claim they are spiritual Israel and true lineage doesn’t matter anymore . . .
In our spiritual walk, we are often moved to do things that cause us to wonder whether the impetus to do those things was of Yah or merely of our own heart. To know which way to turn concerning any matter requires spiritual discernment. That is how we hear the voice of Yah, which is so gentle it is almost unnoticeable. But those who are Yah’s are the ones who will hear his voice.
There is little doubt as to the times we are living in. One can easily consider the daily events unfolding around us, be it with regard to the imminent societal collapse in countries around the world, economic upheavals, the rise in violence, wars, depravity and lawlessness, seemingly unrelenting so-called natural disasters,