The Compound Interest of Prayer

I awoke from a dream in the morning and was struck by what I had dreamt. It was about the power of prayer. In the dream, I had been speaking to a group of people, but some of them did not believe in prayer and ridiculed the very act. I did my best to make my case but saw that my actions were futile, and so I walked away in silence. Someone else was waiting in the wings and they approached me with words of encouragement.

I turned to this person and told them about a situation my wife was experiencing at work, involving a troublesome coworker who could not be easily fired. While the situation concerning my wife’s work environment was real, it had seeped into the dream, and I explained to the person how important and effective prayer is by revealing to them that I had prayed over my wife’s situation (as did her and her boss), and the very next day, the coworker decided to quit abruptly, leaving the company of her own volition, and thereby solving the problem of building a case for direct firing. The reality of the work situation, particularly its resolution, happened the day before I dreamt about it. I awoke from the dream with this article in my heart.

I have written about prayer in other materials available on this site, most notably the fifth part in the five-part series, The List of Kingdom Preparedness. Prayer is a powerful component of our spiritual walk. It can be seen as an important financial institution (in the preparedness list video, I make the case that it is Yah’s spiritual banking system for instance) or it can be seen as a weapon for good, the business end of which can be wielded against our spiritual enemies. But in either analogy, our store of wealth, or accumulation of weaponry (depending on the scenario) will derive from the work we have put in during our walk along this narrow path.

This is no different from the world in which we live. If you have a bank account at a physical or online bank, it won’t fill itself. You have to generate income beyond your need for such income and deposit the surplus into your account. In this world, there are several ways to do that, both legal and illegal. While we will not focus on the illegal aspects, know that even some legal avenues are against the will and ways of Yah. We’re not just talking about work, which is the most straightforward way to earn income that can pay the bills and be deposited. Yes, some means of work violate Yah’s law, and working on the Sabbath certainly runs counter to whatever you are attempting spiritually. Spiritual wealth can never be accumulated in these ways.

In this world and reality, there is another way to earn income, and it also has a spiritual counterpart. It is called compound interest, and it allows for the amassing of wealth in shorter periods through less work. In this world, compound interest is derived in several ways, some legal and some illegal. But many of the legal aspects are also in violation of Yah’s laws. For instance, the stock market, with its insistence on setting various prices for individual shares throughout the day, is an abomination to Yah. I made this point in part 8 of the Covenant Law of Yah video series, which can be accessed in the sidebar.

There, I quoted various Scripture verses related to this subject, among them this one:

1 Yah detests the use of dishonest scales, but he delights in accurate weights.

—Proverbs 11

To which I added:

“This informs us that the entire world economy, which is made up of various markets that deal in the trade of commodities, stocks, currencies, produce, and many other items, is corrupt through and through. The truth is, all of these products see their prices fluctuate on a daily basis. Corrupt men and women control the unseen scales that cause the prices of these items to go up and down each day. And Yah, as stated, detests the use of these dishonest scales.”

This goes for investing in silver and gold, crypto currencies, stocks, and financial instruments directly tied to the stock market, such as certain 401(k) investments and the like, and many other examples. Other less corrupt investments that fall outside of this are advised, such as a high-yield savings account, CDs (certificates of deposit), or the purchase of land or real estate, whose prices do not fluctuate daily. A 401(k) or IRA account not tied to stocks or volatile investments would qaulify. For example, you could use a 401(k) or IRA to invest in fixed-rate government or corporate bonds. Starting a business that is not directly related to fluctuating market forces is also feasible. All of these avenues yield compound interest in some way, which can be added to what is earned from straightforward day-to-day work.

What is compound interest? you might ask. According to

“Compound interest is the interest you earn on interest. This can be illustrated by using basic math: if you have $100 and it earns 5% interest each year, you'll have $105 at the end of the first year. At the end of the second year, you'll have $110.25.”

These are earnings achieved apart from continual labor, in other words. You do the work once, and it keeps paying. Spiritually speaking, compound interest should be our goal, in addition to the straightforward income derived from simply doing what is right in the eyes of Yah as concerns our personal efforts.

While we shouldn’t think in terms of keeping the laws, statutes, and commandments simply to earn spiritual wealth, being obedient in this way leads to that. We shouldn’t do things in this walk simply to gain favor or spiritual blessings—though both will come regardless—we should do good for the sake of doing good, because it is just, and right, and completely of Yah, with whom we are in league and full unison. That said, spiritual compound interest should be added to the income derived from the straightforward work of doing Yah’s will in a personal sense. What do I mean by that? Well, rather than simply not lying, stealing, or coveting, add to that work that will yield spiritual compound interest, which boils down to earnings that you do not have to work continually to achieve.

Take this website for instance, with all its materials, or the associated YouTube channel. I put in the work one time, in writing an article like this one, producing a video, or creating an activity pack, what have you, yet thousands upon thousands of people benefit from these materials each month. How much spiritual compound interest do you think is derived from that, beyond my straightforward work of doing what Yah commands in a personal sense?

I’m not saying you have to go out and build a website or start a YouTube channel (there are plenty of those already). And I’m not saying to not do that. The truth is, there are yet many untapped avenues that can be traversed that can yield spiritual compound interest. Simply stepping outside of your personal responsibilities by helping another individual, or individuals through good works can result in this, and your prayers—your prayer bank being full of surplus income—will be all the more effective.

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