It is usually around this time of year that I tend to get a lot of questions from newly awakened individuals who are inspired to keep the feasts for the first time or are convicted to become more grounded on keeping the Sabbath day, as commanded in Scripture. Well, recently, I received an email from one such soul who wrote the following:
First off, thank you so much for sharing the wisdom and revelation The Father gives you and it has been a huge blessing to me and my family. My question is: What is your take on working on the Sabbath day in our present captivity? I personally have a job working nights and try as hard as possible to get home before dawn on the Sabbath and not return to work until at least 12 hours later. But it doesn't always work out so nicely and I wanted your wisdom on the matter. Thank you again for all the content put up at Kingdom Preppers. It's AWESOME!!!
Charles H.
My response?
For a little perspective on my story, when I was around 18 or so I worked my very last Sabbath. I felt so much guilt and was burdened by the idea that I could break the one day he set aside specifically for my benefit. It is also a sign between us and Yah, and a seal or signature of his creative right.