There is a new calendar available for free download.
Leap Week
On the Hebrew Israelite Calendar, leap weeks seem to fall every sixth even-numbered year of the Gregorian calendar. So, 2018 was in fact a leap week year. Therefore, 2024, 2030, and 2036 will be leap week years as well. That means a phantom week will be created after the Spring or Fall equinox of those given years to push the first week of April—particularly the week that holds the first Sunday in April—to the beginning of the Hebrew year, where it belongs. A leap week is exactly 7 days long and does not count toward the year in which it falls. The leap week contains unnumbered days, therefore the year’s count does not truly go from 364 to 371. Leap weeks are substantiated in the book of Ezekiel, chapters 1 to 8, as explained in our documentary, The Hebrew Calendar.
Yah’s year is a true 52 weeks. And 7 days in a week multiplied by 52 equals 364, not 365!
Also, to read our newsletter that breaks down the calendar a bit more, click here.
Download for Free!
You can download this calendar for use offline. Print it at a Staples or regular copy shop for display on walls, a kitchen fridge, or even your tabletop. Or feel free to use it in its original digital form for quick and easy reference. The choice is yours.
One of the advantages of this Hebrew Israelite calendar is that it is easy to read and navigate, being based mainly on the Gregorian calendar, which we use in everyday life. The traditional fixed Hebrew calendar can also be seen at a glance for comparison. Also, days are locked in, so the feasts and other pure convocation days will fall exactly one year later in the same weeks on the exact days of those weeks, with no surprises or guesswork, as it was in the days of old.
Feedback Form
The Hebrew Israelite calendar is excellent information. It is a blessing to know that someone is still dedicated to preserving the truth. Please keep up the good work.
—Oconner L.
I find the calendar to be a helpful tool. Thanks for your hard work.
—Betty W.
Great work on this educational and qodesh calendar. May the Most High Yah bless all your days!
—Mibhar M.
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More Testimonials
This is the most amazing calendar! Thank you for being the blessing in these times and for being obedient to Yah and loving His people enough to give us the information that he gives to the Kingdom Preppers. This truly prepares me and my family to understand what's going on according to the Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings. You all are truly sent by Yah. I not only appreciate you for the calendar, but for all the educational videos for the adults and children. Thank you and Shalom.
—Denise M.
Beautiful calendar. I'm going to print this one off in color for my whole family to share! This is how a calendar should look!
—Zaakirah M.
Hey, I love these calendars and I thank Yah and Yeshua for y’all and what he has y’all doing. Trust me when I say it is very appreciated. May he continue to bless the Kingdom Prepper family.
—Kevin M.
Couldn't live without it. Thank you so much. You are a life-saver. I want nothing more than to keep my life according to what is spoken in the Word. Again, thank you so much.
—Debra J.
I love the calendar. I have been following the Jahovah's Witnesses calendar but I am no longer in that religious organization.
—Sharon E.
I was looking for somewhere to comment on the calendar and you already had a spot. I really like the layout of the new calendar. I appreciate your diligence. Thawadah! Barak atha!
—Marc S.
I am new to your channel, and I am blown away by all the hard work here. What a beautiful library and a plethora of information. I find also this calendar and other resources available, and for free!
—Kara R.
Bless you all for this calendar. I've been trying to find the proper calendar pertaining to our feast days, but our people are everywhere. I know it's a rehearsal and it's going to take Yahusha HaMashiach to get the record straight. May the Most High continue to bless you and your family, and continue putting your hands to the plow. HalleluYah, halleluYah, halleluYah. Shalom.
—Tanisha R.
I have no words but thank you for your faithfulness, availability, and all of your efforts in putting these Hebrew Calendars together for the lost tribes here in a land that is not our own. Looking forward to that land that is ours.
—Martha H-A.
Shalom my brother! Thank you for serving the Most High insomuch that you’re providing a wealth of knowledge for brothers like myself to become as closely in line with Yah’s instruction as can be. I aspire to the understanding and certainty that you’ve been blessed with. Take care family!
—Joshua B.
Thank you very much for providing this calendar for those of us who have no idea where to find them. Yah bless you.
—Kim L.
I absolutely love that I'm able to have a calendar that accurately depicts the Moedim. It's important to follow Yah's calendar just as he intended.
—Nebiyah A.
Thank you for all of your research and sharing all of this information with Yah's children! The Hebrew calendars are very helpful, user friendly, and beautiful!
—April B.
Keywords: Hebrew calendar, high days, pure convocations, feast days, feasts of Yah, leap week, 30-day months, new moon, lunisolar, lunar calendar, Hebrew Israelite Calendar, leap year, Passover, Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, Booths, Pentecost, Feast of Weeks, Trumpets, Unleavened Bread, Wave Sheaf, First Fruits, barley harvest, wheat harvest